Dusty Shoulders Be Damned

Unless you’re willing to have a go, fail miserably, and have another go, success won’t happen.

-Phillip Adams

tumblr_nlcy4scQfi1upv7zco1_540This applies to many human endeavors. This is why I already believe my first book will not be received as well as I would hope, that and because it’s my first and there is much to gain from practice. I’m not saying I don’t believe in my own work, I just don’t believe in my ability to sell it. I’m not a salesman. Still I won’t let a flop in my first book be a deciding factor in my continued writing.

The photo I included in this post is from haystaak.tumblr.com. I thought it looked like an interesting place to visit and write about. It would make a good setting for a mystery. “An old fishing town, where the houses are built wall to wall with no space in between. The ship owners houses are built above the cliffs, while the poor fisherman and sailors live down by the wharf. The old mill sees no work anymore, it’s age told by the rusted tin roof. The houses look like a unraveled color wheel, with all the primary colors side by side. The wharf is the busiest place through out the day, as ships bring in there haul and mongers peddle the days catch.”

The third part of The Rise Of the Cult will go live today. Just thought I’d give a heads up for those that are reading it.

If you don’t fail, then you’re not trying.

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